
Showing posts with the label Pet Care

Keeping our pets memories alive

We all love our pets no matter what type of pet we have.  It is amazing how many people think so much of our pets, always thinking ours is the best.  I know we do. We all dread that time when we may no longer have them with us so we have to make sure we have so many memories in our photo albums, or on our computers. Photographs Capture all those memories by taking photos whenever you can.  These will make you laugh or cry when you no longer have your loved one with you.  Keep your wonderful mate with you forever with photos This photo was taken when our dog was a pup. I am so glad I have this photo as we lost our wonderful cat Ninja a couple of months later.  Although he did have a great innings and gave us 16 years of wonderful memories. How do you cope after losing your best friend that is not just a dog, he is part of your family. Do you rescue another dog and give him a chance of being in a loving family.  This article explains how our family coped through this tertrible t

Traveling with dogs is not as hard as you may think

Just because you are taking a trip in a caravan doesn't mean you have to leave your dog home.  In fact even more Caravan Parks are realizing that they need to cater to travelers with dogs.  Yes there are disadvantages: You cannot go into National Parks, although you could book them into a kennel for the day.  If you wish to do that you need to make sure the dogs vaccinations are up to date and in most cases will request proof of this. The benefit of traveling with your dog does add a certain amount of protection, although that will of course depend on the type and size of your dog.  I feel so much better traveling with our Blue Heeler. On our trip around Australia 3 years ago their was a distinct reluctance to cater for dogs in Caravan Parks. We have noticed on this trip that about 7 out of 10 travels in caravans have a dog and the parks are starting to realize that they are losing money if they do not accept this fact. Instead of signs saying "no dogs" they now s

Best Training Commands and Feeders for your Dog

So, you have just been given your new puppy and he is starting to test your patience.  You badly need to learn the best training commands for your dog. First of all, if you want your dog to be house trained then this is where you need to start by toilet training him.  There is nothing worse than little puddles all over the new carpets. Once your dog has learned how to behave inside you will then have to train him with other commands like: sit, drop and stay.  Many people do not realise the importance of the stay command.  This simple command may save your dogs' life. If for instance you are out on your front lawn and a cat suddenly races out in front of you, the stay command could save him from chasing the cat across the road and being hurt from a passing car. There are books that you can buy on ways to train your dog to do tricks although I would make sure you have complete control of him with basic commands first before teaching him fancy extras.   read more.   Pet Time

How to start an Aviary with a variety of Mixed Birds

My short video on a mixture of my beautiful birds There is nothing better than having an aviary in your own back yard.  Whether you are relaxing with a book or having a barbecue you will see the beautiful birds either building their little finch nests, or the larger birds trying to attract their mates attention. You will be surprised how much time you will sit outside and become fascinated by their different activities. When you think about starting an aviary you have to decide which type of birds you want to keep in that aviary.  The best way to be sure that birds will be happy together is put new birds in a cage next to the other birds.  If they become agitated in any way then definitely do not add them to the other mixed bird aviary. read more about aviaries