Keeping our pets memories alive

We all love our pets no matter what type of pet we have.  It is amazing how many people think so much of our pets, always thinking ours is the best.  I know we do.

We all dread that time when we may no longer have them with us so we have to make sure we have so many memories in our photo albums, or on our computers.

Capture all those memories by taking photos whenever you can.  These will make you laugh or cry when you no longer have your loved one with you.  Keep your wonderful mate with you forever with photos
This photo was taken when our dog was a pup. I am so glad I have this photo as we lost our wonderful cat Ninja a couple of months later.  Although he did have a great innings and gave us 16 years of wonderful memories.

How do you cope after losing your best friend that is not just a dog, he is part of your family. Do you rescue another dog and give him a chance of being in a loving family. 



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